Using silica sand as a spawning medium

(article contributed by Gwee Sia Meng)

Just to share something with you all, I am currently using Silica sand as a breeding material for my Notho rachovii's. I placed the sand in the breeding bowl and collect the eggs after one week.

I collected about 30+ eggs from 2 day spawns. The steps are as follows:-

1) Place washed silica sand (15-20mm) in a plastic cup.

2) Allow the sand to settle down before placing it into the breeding tank.

3) Collect the plastic cup after 1 or 2 weeks.

4) Stir the sand with a chopstick in circular motion.

5) Allow the sand to settle. The eggs, being lighter will settle on top of the sand. If you stir the sand in circular motion, the eggs will land in the centre of the cup.

6) Collect the eggs with a turkey baster and place it on damp peat moss. I was so excited when I saw the eggs on the sand!!! It was so much easier as compared to picking the eggs!!! Took me less then 5 mins to harvest the eggs!!!