Where can I get Killies in Singapore?

Killies are rarely sold in Singapore fish shops. Even when they are, the fish are usually in poor health and they never sell females. Fish shop owners also do not know the scientific names of the fish they are selling and understand little about their breeding cycles. In other countries, hobbyists can easily get their killies and the eggs from fellow hobbyists through killifish associations and clubs. There are, however, no killifish clubs in Singapore and I seriously doubt there ever will be one.

A good place to start looking for killifish eggs would be to visit the AKA (American Killifish Association) website at "http://www.aka.org". Click on "Explore the AKA site" and then "Fish and Egg Listing Online" to see a list of killifish breeders with fish and eggs for sale. My experiences with breeders on this list have been generally positive. Killifish breeders listed on the AKA website have a reputation to protect. They are also governed by the AKA's code of ethics so it's highly unlikely that they will take your money but not send the eggs. But take note that chances of the eggs surviving the long journey to Singapore are slim. For every bag of eggs I hatched, there were at least another 3 I couldn't. Many things can happen along the way. If the weather gets too hot or too cold; if the pressure in the airplane's cargo area is too high; if the postman leaves his motorcycle under the sun for too long, the eggs die. It helps if the breeder packs the eggs well. Using aluminium foil to wrap the plastic bags holding the eggs can help to keep the temperature constant and the eggs viable.

You can also look for killifish eggs by subscribing to "Killie Trader", a mailing list whose sole purpose is for people to buy, sell or trade killifish and their eggs. Go to "http://www.angelfire.com/biz2/killietrader/" to find out how you can join this mailing list.

If you are buying from a killifish hobbyist who has no experience in sending eggs to Singapore, tell him to put down "Eggs in peat for scientific study, no commercial value" on the customs form. The rules in Singapore are not strict about "what's coming in" as our country's economy is not dependent on agricultural products. I can't think of anything more damaging to our ecology than the indiscrimate introduction of aquarium-bred fish into our waters. Since the authorities are not doing anything to stop those idiots releasing their "Luo Hans" into our rivers and streams, why should anyone worry about a few killifish eggs coming into the country. After all, Singapore has always been a major meeting place for all sorts of agricultural products and livestock. We are also one of the world's biggest import/exporter of ornamental fish and aquatic plants. It's high time more hobbyists bring in killie eggs and get a killifish scene going.

So, go for it, folks.

Loh K L

email me at [email protected]